In MyBSquared administrator can view any invites that have not been accepted and are still pending.
Any Pending invites that are currently waiting to to be accepted will always show at the top of the Manage users page, they will also show that they are pending in the status column,
If you would like to filter the screen to only display pending invites, then please follow the steps below.
- In MyBsquared, navigate to the Manage Users screen and select the Choose Filter drop-down on the left of the screen.
- Select Pending Users
- Pending User information is Contained on this screen
- Invites can be Resent or Deleted by using the options on the left
Note: If a user has been invited, but they have not received the invitation email, then please ask them to check their junk or clutter folder. If it does not appear there, please email your IT department and ask to allow all emails from
Note: A pending user counts towards the number of licenced users