Exporting a single student:
- Navigate to “Manage Students“
- Find the student you wish to export in the list and click on the “->” icon (in the Export column).
- The “Export Students” modal will open with the name of the student selected.
- Click on “Confirm”.
- The system will display a “Transfer Reference number“: you will need to send this number to the school the student is transferring to.
- Click OK.
Exporting multiple students:
- Navigate to “Manage Students“
- Find and tick the students you wish to export in your list
- Click on the drop-down above / below the grid and change it from “Please select” to “Export“, then click “Apply”.
- The “Export Students” modal will open with the names of the students selected.
- Click on “Confirm”.
- The system will display a “Transfer Reference number“: you will need to send this number to the school the students are transferring to.
- Click OK.
Note: To look up the Transfer Reference number for your exported students, click on “Export History” on your top right. The “Export History” modal will open showing you the Transfer Reference number and the number of students within this export. Clicking on the number of students will give you a list of who is included. On that screen you can also Roll-back the Export or re-generate a new Transfer Reference number.