Why can’t I log into the software / reset my password?

There can be different reasons why you are unable to log into the software, however if you follow the steps in this article, it should help you find out the issue and hopefully fix it. Below is the best approach to troubleshoot depending on what issue you are having.

Incorrect password or email

If you are trying to log in and are getting the message above, then please make sure that all your details are correct, try logging in without auto-fill and resetting your password with the forgotten password button.

Unable to reset password

If you are unable to reset your password, then this could mean that either you entered a wrong email address or there is no longer an account linked to that email. In this case, you will need to contact an administrator at your school to check that you are using the correct email-address.

Using the incorrect site

It might be that you are logging in to the incorrect site, make sure that the site that you are logging into is representative of the region you are in. For example, if you are a school in Wales, Scotland or England make sure that you go to uk.connectingsteps.com. If you are logging in from a school in Australia or New Zealand, then make sure you go to au.connectingsteps.com.

Software is being blocked by your firewall or filtering

If all else fails, then it would be worth checking with your IT team that the following links are not blocked by your school’s firewall (take region into consideration, see above)

If you are still struggling, then don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know what steps you have taken.