Connecting Steps uses a baseline as a starting point for each student within each subject.
The baseline is the date when you start to assess a student; it gives you an approximate idea of where a student’s level is when they start a subject.
It is important to baseline all students so you can see a completed level for each student.
To baseline an individual student #
- Navigate to Individual Assessment in Connecting Steps.
- Select the required group, class and student from the drop-down lists in the Selection panel.
- Select the required curriculum, subject area and level.
- Click the Add Baseline button.
The Add Baseline window opens.
- Click Set baseline by setting this level as the current level.
- Click on the date you want to use (we strongly advise to always use the “Framework date” option).
- Click Save.
To make spare for the “Add Baseline” button, we have removed the button that shows the percentage complete and gives you access to the donut charts. Once a baseline is added to the profile, the “Add Baseline” button will disappear and you will see the percentage complete.
To further improve the baselining process you can now quickly set the assessment date to the baseline date. A baseline is more than just a completed level, a realistic baseline includes all the skills a student has already achieved. They will already be part way through their current level. This helps to ensure the starting point you are comparing current attainment to is more realistic, giving a truer reflection of progress.
To use the baseline date tick “Use Baseline Date: xxxx” to the left of the “Add Achievement” button, pick an achievement from the list and click on the assessment points you want to add the achievement to.