What are Aspects? #
Aspects allow you to add additional information to posts. You can filter posts by these aspects to look at the posts linked to this aspect across the school, a group, or an individual student. Aspects are used with specific post types like Evidence and Learning Opportunities. You may want to filter to evidence posts that links to the pupils EHCP or you may add your school’s values as aspects and show how you have supported pupils to demonstrate your values.
How to Filter Posts Using Aspects #
The guide below shows you how you can use even more filters within Evisense. Under advanced filters you can filter by curriculum, aspects and creator. You can use multiple filters at the same time. When filtering by multiple aspects, the system uses an ANY rule. If you filter by Cognition and Learning (CL) and Communication and Interaction (CI). It will show posts that are tagged with either of these aspects. It does not filter to posts that are tagged to both.
What Aspects Are There? #
The list of available aspects are based on country, framework, students age and other values. If there are aspects you want to use within Evisense, like your school values or wider curriculum areas, please contact the B Squared support team.
Targets #
The system has a number of target aspects, the target aspects that appear depend on the country you are in. The targets are:
- IEP (England and Scotland)
- IDP (Wales)
- EHCP (England)
4 Broad Areas of Need (England) #
These are the 4 broad areas of need based on the 2015 SEND Code of practice.
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Sensory and Physical
Characteristics of Effective Learning (England) #
When you are adding evidence for a child on the English EYFS curriculum you have the option to link to nine aspects. These aspects are:
- Engagement
- Finding out and exploring
- Playing with what they know
- Being willing to ‘have a go’
- Motivation
- Being involved and concentrating
- Keeping trying
- Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
- Thinking
- Having their own ideas
- Making links
- Choosing ways to do things
4 Purposes (Wales) #
The four purposes are:
- Ambitious, Capable Learners
- Enterprising, Creative Contributors
- Ethical, Informed Citizens
- Healthy, Confident Individuals
Four Capacities (Scotland) #
The four capacities are:
- Successful Learners
- Confident Individuals
- Responsible Citizens
- Effective Contributors
SHANARRI (Scotland) #
The Shanarri indicators are:
- Safe
- Healthy
- Achieving
- Nurtured
- Active
- Respected
- Responsible
- Included
Support (Scotland) #
The support aspects were introduce with the Milestones update in 2019. They aspects are:
- Physical Support
- Gesture Support
- Visual Support
- Verbal Support
- Support via Technology
- No Support