How to create posts using the Evisense Website?

This video shows you how to add evidence using the Evisense Website.

When creating a post in Evidence there are a lot of different post types that can be created each having a different format and function. the types of posts that can be created are Evidence, Learning Opportunity, Therapist Notes, Home School Diaries, Update from Home, Information from School, Pupil Voice, Newsletters, Events EHCP/Annual Review, Reports, Meeting & Class Blog.

Below is the steps written down.

How to create a post #

  1. Click the Add New button in the top right of the page.
  2. The post type will depend on what default post type your account has set, if you would like a different post type, then you need to click the down arrow next to the Add New.
  3. Add the content to the post.
  4. If you want, you can also change the visibility, add media or change when it is posted.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the group.
  7. Select the student in the group.
  8. If you would like to post about multiple students, you can you just need to click on another student(if you want to post for the whole group, you can select the entire group).
  9. Choose the framework, subject, profile, level, strand and assessment(s) if applicable.
  10. Choose aspects if applicable.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Check that all details on the post are correct and click Publish.
  13. If you do not want to publish the post, you can save it as a draft for later.