The Evisense feed is the main screen you will access when using Evisense. There are lots of controls to allow you to customise what you see. Most of the settings are the same between the app or website. All of the app’s filtering controls are under the green funnel.
How to filter by post type #
The guide below shows you how to filter by post type. The list of post types you see when using Evisense will be set by your school. When you first open Evisense you will see all the different post types your school are using. Under User Settings you can set what posts you want to see when you open Evisense.
If you are using the Evisense app, you access this filter by clicking on the green funnel icon and clicking on Post Types.
How to filter by group/student #
The guide below shows you how to filter by group or student. You can view posts for All Groups, a single group, a single student or multiple students within the same group. When you first open Evisense you will see posts for All Groups. Under User Settings you can set the group you want to see when you open Evisense.
If you are using the Evisense app, you access this filter by clicking on the green funnel icon and clicking on Groups.
How to use advanced filtering #
The guide below shows you how you can use even more filters within Evisense. Under advanced filters you can filter by curriculum, aspects and creator. You can use multiple filters at the same time.
The curriclum filter allows you to filter by curriculum, subject, profile, level and strand. The feed will then filter to your selection. In the guide below I filter to posts linked to Primary Steps, English, Writing, Year 4. When you filter by curriculum content, the feed will only show posts that have been linked to that curriculum area or the assessment points within.
The aspects filter allows you to filter by different aspects. When filtering by multiple aspects, the system uses an ANY rule. If you filter by Cognition and Learning (CL) and Communication and Interaction (CI). It will show posts that are tagged with either of these aspects. It does not filter to posts that are tagged to both.
The creator filter allows you to filter to posts created by a specific user.
If you are using the Evisense app, all filters are accessed by clicking on the green funnel icon.
Using the Timeline #
The timeline allows you to jump back in time to look at evidence or other posts. This is a great way to show progress for a student, to compare their work from 2 or 3 years ago to something they have created now. It is simple to use and the dates on the timeline and the post counts update based on any filters you have applied. The guide below shows you how easy it is to use.