You don’t have to use all the achievement points, you can only use one if you want there is only a excess in the case that you need to show really small steps of progress, if you want to turn off or edit the descriptions of achievements go to options for connecting steps V5 and then chose the framework you want to edit, note the red box that appears. Continue reading →
Most steps In Connecting steps can be undone, so don’t be afraid to try things or create a dummy student to test the software on. Continue reading →
You can download excel data and get a printout of most of the pages on Connecting steps, the option to do so is always in the top right corner of the software. Continue reading →
You can turn off subjects and profiles for a framework by going to the assessment files page and then clicking manage subjects for the framework you want to edit the subjects on. Continue reading →
If a student is behind and the default frameworks have moved the student on to the next framework automatically. If you would like them to stay on the same framework or add them to another framework, you can go to manage students and then click edit on the student you want to change the framework for, you can then find their current framework just above their DOB, and you can click the pencil button to change or add a framework. Continue reading →
If you want to run reports on specific groups of students or the whole school, you can create a data group on the manage groups page and then add the students you want to the group. Continue reading →