Customising the Manage Students screen

The Manage Students screen in MyBSquared can be customised to show the student details you want to see as you are working. Student details are shown in a customisable grid form which you can add or remove columns from as you require.

To customise the Manage Students screen #

  1. Navigate to Manage Students in MyBSquared.
  2. Click Customise Grid.
  3. Click the options that you want to display, or Select All to display all the options.

The options you have selected display on the grid.

The table below shows what coloumn headings you can add and what they mean:

Edit Edit student details
DeleteDeletes student and adds student to historic students 
ExportDisplays the export student icon enabling you to export a student’s details
First Name Students first name 
Last Name Students last name
EmailStudents Evisense email address
Suspended Suspend student’s Evisense use
Registration Group Student’s registration group 
GenderStudent’s gender
Date of Birth Students date of birth
UPNStudent’s Unique Pupil Number 
Admission Date Date the student started school
CSStudent is on Connecting Steps
EvisenseStudent is using Evisense
Evisense LevelEvisense storage level: Gold, Silver, Bronze
Guardians Number of guardians able to log into Evisense